
Court to Open Satellite Branch

A satellite branch of the South Bay Municipal Court will open April 17 at the Redondo Beach Pier to provide residents with a second location to pay traffic tickets and file small claims.

Court Administrator Chris Crawford said the new office will provide several other services: Residents can sign up for traffic school, request continuances or contest traffic citations.

The satellite court at 117 W. Torrance Blvd., on the pier’s second level, is designed to reduce the burden on the main courthouse at 825 Maple Ave. in Torrance, where individuals sometimes must wait in line for up to 45 minutes.


The county will pay $250,000 to lease and refurbish space for the branch court, which was dedicated in ceremonies last week.

Judge William G. Willett will preside, and 10 clerks will staff the court, Crawford said.

Crawford said South Bay residents can pay traffic fines in Torrance or at the new court, although some police departments have not yet reprinted citations to include the new address.
