
Student Says Hint of Segregation Is Inappropriate

I am a student at South Junior High in Tom Peters’ class. As I was reading the article (March 26) based on his class, I noticed a part that is not appropriate. I quote: “The Latino students went back to their seats with other Latinos; the whites went with other whites, the blacks with other blacks.”

That sentence makes our school sound like the students are segregated into races inside their classrooms. That is not true. The classrooms have mixed seating at all times. I want to state that there is only one black student in our class. There are not any other black students for him to sit with, as your article states.

Also, I would like you to know that my two best friends, the two girls behind me in the picture, happen to be Korean and Filipino. Using that as an example, you can see that there is not any discrimination in the classroom.



