
‘Hot Potato’ at the DMV

RE: “Queen” Cathie Wright whose daughter, Victoria, can do no wrong. At least this seems to be the consensus of mother, the courts and especially the Department of Motor Vehicles.

As a retired DMV employee, that kind of record would cause immediate revocation of the driver’s license, at least for you and me.

And the incident of vital information missing from DMV files and court records sounds like it was advised not to be entered as it was considered a “hot potato.”


I understand Judge Bruce A. Clark is tough and observes the law. Perhaps he was advised the issue was too sensitive or “Queenie” got to him.

Before I retired I was advised not to write this type letter as it would put my job and promotions in jeopardy.



Editor’s Note: Victoria Wright was sentenced to 30 days in county jail on March 29 for breaking conditions of her probation for a previous traffic offense.
