
Pasadena Fires 20 in Drug Use Probe

Pasadena has fired 20 employees and suspended 11 others in the Department of Water and Power after an extensive investigation of drug use and theft at the city maintenance yard.

City officials said 33 of the department’s 280 employees were notified that they would be dismissed, suspended or demoted after an investigation found that workers were using cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines and alcohol on the job, that drug sales had taken place at work and that some employees had stolen personal property and city property.

Department supervisors had recommended the dismissal of 26 employees, but David Plumb, the department’s general manager, reduced the penalty for six of them after reviewing the evidence and conducting conferences.


In addition to the dismissals, Plumb suspended 11 employees and ordered salary reductions for two others.

Those who were dismissed can file appeals and grievances, but they cannot return to work during the appellate process.
