
North’s Trial in Iran-Contra Fiasco

As the North trial progresses, it becomes more and more obvious why John Tower was nominated for secretary of defense, and why his defeat was so strongly partisan. Meese testified that he had warned Reagan that impeachment was a possibility if the whole Iran-Contra story came out. Thus, the creation of the Tower Commission, appointed by Reagan and headed by John Tower.

The commission’s report cleared Reagan of any responsibility. The report also confirmed George Bush’s contention that he knew little or nothing about what was going on at the time and was, therefore, the logical choice to succeed Reagan.

Clearly, such an achievement deserved a handsome reward--secretary of defense.

Since North’s trial was successfully postponed until after the election, the Iran-Contra questions never became a serious issue in the campaign. However, since it was inevitable that certain allegations of North’s defense might prove damaging, it appears that Bush took the added precaution of making himself virtually unimpeachable by naming Dan Quayle as his vice president.


It is interesting that none of these maneuvers was ever brought out during the Senate hearings on Tower’s nomination.

Apparently, even the Democrats were reluctant to expose the fact that the laws of Congress could be so arrogantly circumvented by the executive branch.


La Jolla
