
Moment of Recognition Denied CSUN Graduates

Your articles on the Cal State Northridge graduation plans seem to ignore the majority, the hard-working students who have succeeded. These students are adults who persevered for one reason--the college diploma.

For the CSUN Administration to replace that moment of recognition with a Hollywood Bowl performance seems to me to ignore the real stars. As a college dropout more than once, I admire those who finished. I believe they should be honored by receiving that precious piece of paper in the traditional manner and dispense with the entertainment and lengthy speeches. These are not children who have not already been to Disneyland, lavish proms and concerts. The seniors appear to prefer the campus where many live, thus solving transportation and parking. Why can’t the group be divided into smaller groups? I ask only, “Why didn’t the university consult the graduation class?”

The same problem exists in our businesses of today. Most rarely consult with workers regarding problems and new ideas. Here we are at this late date reading and studying “World Class Manufacturing,” the lessons of simplicity applied in Japanese manufacturing techniques. Our managers are reading the book, but they are not changing. Perhaps the next generation of managers will not only read the book but practice it. We need to question the educational system that trained and placed the present managers and leaders. I support the graduating class of Cal State Northridge for questioning the plans for their graduation day.



South Pasadena
