
Weekend Checklist for Dedicated Diggers and Planters

For dedicated gardeners, here are suggestions from the California Assn. of Nurserymen:

The quantity and quality of your established roses depends on proper feeding now.

Garden peas, snap peas and snow peas are easy to grow and a delight for the cook to use in all sorts of dishes. Put some in your vegetable garden.

Interested in fragrant flowers? Check into gardenias, jasmines, sweet olive shrub, mock orange, viburnums and Japanese spurge.

If frost has long since left your area of the state, you can plant fuchsias and geraniums.

This is a good time to plant fuchsias, pelargoniums and geraniums.

Fertilize established roses and cut off spent flowers to encourage another round of bloom.

Consider planting a gardenia in a warm, sunny spot in the garden. Its lovely, fragrant white flowers add their scent to the garden and indoors when cut to fill vases.
