
‘A Signal for Shamir’

In response to “To Reach a 2-State Solution, Israeli Doves Must Be Heard,” by Prof. Yehoshafat Harkabi, Op-Ed Page, April 4:

Harkabi’s is a 3-state not a “2-state solution”--two Arab Palestinian states and one Jewish Palestinian state.

Jordan was created by Britain in 1922, and--occupying 80% of the “Jewish homeland” purportedly assured to the Jews by its League of Nations mandate and prior Balfour Declaration--is an Arab Palestinian state. It is 70% Palestinian in population.


Adding to that Arab Palestinian state occupying 80% of Palestine, a half of the remaining 20%, by converting the 10% which is Israel’s last security in depth, i.e., the “territories,” to which Harkabi refers, into another Arab Palestinian state, is a recipe for war, not peace.

For that 10% which Harkabi would give for another Arab Palestinian state contains the Jordan River crossing, heights and passes; the holder is in a position to cut off Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, its water and principal food sources. And to cut Israel at its narrow waistline along the sea. It includes also the seacoast salient leading from Egypt into Israel (Gaza).

And Harkabi is dreaming, indeed, when he analogizes the Arab world, in which rule is by despots or anarchy (Lebanon)--to possible membership with democratic Israel, of a “common market, Benelux or confederation.”



Beverly Hills
