
THE JUDDS “River of Time.” RCA **

Song selection is crucial for vocal stylists, and the Judds should have done a bit more shopping before making this album. The mother-daughter team scored one hit after another with their last LP, “Heartland,” but “River of Time” might break that winning streak; that the record has problems can be seen in the fact that the most satisfying cut is a version of a chestnut by the Everly Brothers, “Sleepless Nights” (a fitting homage, because the Judds’ vocal style is a dead ringer for the classic country-pop technique perfected by Don and Phil). The other standout cut is Dire Straits’ “Water of Love,” a haunting ballad stamped with Mark Knopfler’s languid and lovely touch, while Naomi (the elder) Judd, who co-wrote three of the tunes, contributes an engaging barn burner titled “Cadillac Red.” The album is fleshed out with four merely adequate numbers and two sugary tunes, “Young Love,” and “Guardian Angel.” “River of Time” isn’t bad enough to make longtime Judds fans quit the fan club, but if you’re not familiar with Naomi and Wynonna, any of their other LPs will serve as a better introduction.
