
The Licensing of Child-Care Homes

Simply amazing! So the parents of 19-month-old Melissa Polsfoot are now charging the county with negligent oversight and want $10 million in compensation (“Pool Tragedy,” April 19).

The Polsfoot attorney got it right when he said (the county) “. . . should have shut the place down or taken some affirmative action rather than just sitting on their duffs and saying that it’s no big deal.” Although he was referring to county officials, it is evident that the parents of these tragic victims sat on their duffs and said it was no big deal until now, when it’s once again time to pass the buck on parental responsibility.

Why hasn’t the district attorney filed charges against all three sets of parents who knowingly chose to place innocent children at risk in an unlicensed day-care facility? When are parents going to get off their duffs and say, “Yes! Child care is a big deal”?


There has been a slow but steady shift of power in this country, giving family rights over to the government. When parents start taking back responsibility for their children’s education and protection (including safe, licensed child care), then their senseless, tragic drownings will cease.


Garden Grove
