
The Nation : Officials Fear Exxon Tanker Is Leaking

Pools of petroleum sheen escaped containment booms near the ruptured hull of the Exxon Valdez, and officials expressed concern that the vessel is still contributing to the nation’s worst oil spill. At least 16,000 gallons of emulsified oil remain in the hold of the tanker now docked in a cove on Naked Island, about 40 miles from Bligh Reef off Valdez, Alaska, where the ship ran aground March 24, spewing more than 10 million gallons. Bill Lamoreaux, on-the-scene coordinator for the state of Alaska, said a state observer noted a light coating of oil outside containment booms encircling the craft. Exxon dismissed the spillage report as insignificant and the Coast Guard said it was probably due to diver activity. Meanwhile, at the request of Gov. Steve Cowper, a five-minute period of silence beginning at 2 p.m. was observed around Alaska in memory of the wildlife killed by the oil. The observance marked the 30-day anniversary of the spill.
