
More Aid to Contras

As I struggled to meet the deadline to pay our taxes, and I wondered, once again, why our government makes it so hard for the very small, self-employed to stay in business, I couldn’t help being outraged that Congress has chosen this time to announce another $49.8 million in aid to the lost Contra cause while cutting social programs in this country.

If the President’s pet project needs aid, let it be supported the way the Bushes support battered women’s centers: send the Contras saved up, miniature hotel soaps.

Better yet, we could help the Contras the way the Bushes support day-care centers: we all clean out our closets and send the clothes and an adviser to Nicaragua and show the Contras how to set up thrift shops and co-ops.


As for medical care, why can’t the Contras do what 35 million of us “working poor” do--go without?


El Segundo
