
West Covina : Bacon Selected Mayor, 3-2

Robert Bacon, a councilman for eight years, became mayor Monday night on a 3-2 vote of the City Council. Bacon takes over from Nancy Manners, the city’s first woman mayor.

The one-year term rotates among council members on a largely informal, seniority basis. The member who has been on council the longest period without holding the post is generally selected. This is Bacon’s second term.

Councilman Richard Lewis, who was appointed last year to fill the unexpired term of the late Chester Shearer, was named mayor pro tem, leaving him in charge of council meetings in Bacon’s absence and next in line for the mayor’s post.


Councilmen William Tarozzi and Bradley J. McFadden, elected last April shortly after Lewis’ appointment, were passed by in the selection. Both have clashed with the council majority of Bacon, Manners and Lewis on numerous issues.

On Monday, McFadden voted against Bacon and Lewis, while Tarozzi opposed Bacon and abstained from the vote on Lewis.

Bacon said his priorities will include instituting a comprehensive household waste recycling program, instituting a property maintenance program to upgrade the city’s image and beginning an outreach program to unite neighborhoods.


“I want to try and get back some of the community spirit which I feel has been fading lately,” Bacon said.
