
Thousands Pack Burial of Cocaine King in Colombia

From Associated Press

The burial of cocaine king Pablo Escobar, one of the world’s most hunted criminals but a Robin Hood to his admirers, on Friday drew thousands of Colombians to a cemetery so packed his wife and children couldn’t get through to the coffin.

Crowds of curious onlookers and flower-bearing mourners sought a last glimpse of the ruthless cartel leader who had waged a decade-long war with the government while funneling drugs into the United States and Europe. He lost his final battle Thursday, when an assault team shot and killed him and a bodyguard at a hide-out in Medellin.

“God willing, this country may now be quieter,” said 33-year-old Henry Espitia, whose younger brother, an aide to Escobar, was tortured and killed by a vigilante squad two weeks ago.


Blocked by the crowd, Escobar’s wife, son and daughter had to turn back and missed the burial, Caracol radio said.

Police estimated 20,000 people came to the cemetery on the outskirts of Medellin. But reporters said only about 2,000 people were present at any one time.

Some came to satisfy their curiosity about a man who was a legend in Medellin, the industrial city where he was born and based his drug trafficking empire. Others came to pay homage to a local hero.


Escobar had lavished his immense wealth on Medellin’s poor, building schools and playgrounds in an attempt to create an image as Colombia’s Robin Hood.
