
What’s the Real Story on This Kings’ Team?

Bill Plaschke’s Sunday Scene on the Kings was, I assume, intended to be a well-thought-out, intelligent piece. It was to any Kings’ fan, however, a misinformed, misguided and flagrant attempt at belittling a team that, for the first time in its history, has an actual plan for the future.

The Times has never put any “serious” effort into covering hockey. To disparage a team that is in the stages of rebuilding by printing an article full of supposition and innuendo is beyond the realm of competent journalism.

For a team that is allegedly “anonymous,” the Kings are still drawing close to 10,000 fans for most games. If you started treating hockey in your paper like the great sport it is, perhaps these players would not be anonymous. The Times likes to consider itself a top-notch paper. Its hockey coverage is bird-cage material.



Santa Monica


I have been a Kings fan and a hockey fan since 1970. Through the years, I’ve seen a lot of bad players and coaches and some terrible deals by management. I have also seen moments of greatness, but they have been few and far between.

Look at the Kings’ roster. Once you get past Ferraro, Blake, Fiset, Stevens, Olczyk and Zmolek, it’s a minor league roster. The NHL is supposed to be the big show. The Kings decided to go cheap this season, and it shows.

Given a choice of watching a minor pro team for a major league price or watching a minor pro team for the right price, I’ll watch the Long Beach Ice Dogs.



