
Jim McBride directed the fun, atmospheric and...

Jim McBride directed the fun, atmospheric and sexy 1987 thriller, The Big Easy (KTLA Tuesday at 8 p.m.). Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin star in this stylish 1987 flick set in New Orleans about a slick homicide detective and his stormy relationship with an uptight, new assistant D.A. Ned Beatty and John Goodman also star. The foot-tapping Cajun music definitely energizes the proceedings. The basis of the current USA series.

Goldie Hawn attempted to shed her giggly, comedic image with Deceived (KTLA Friday at 8 p.m.). But this 1991 thriller was a major misstep in the Oscar-winner’s career. Hawn plays a wealthy married New York woman and mother who discovers her husband (John Heard) is far from the good guy she believed he was. Silly and unbelievable, with more holes than a pound of Swiss cheese.

Sean Connery is always worth watching and he’s the best reason to catch the so-so 1981 sci-fi thriller Outland (KCOP Saturday at 8 p.m.). Peter Hyams (“Timecop”) wrote and directed this variation of the classic film “High Noon” set in outer space. Connery plays a marshal assigned to Jupiter’s moon IO in the 21st century, who discovers corruption running rampant on the mining planet. Unfortunately, no one will help him. Peter Boyle, James B. Sikking and Frances Sternhagen star.


Winner of six Academy Awards, 1942’s Mrs. Miniver (KCET Saturday at 9 p.m.) seems dated in today’s contemporary world. Nevertheless, it’s still an inspiring, well-made, patriotic drama. Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Teresa Wright and Richard Ney star in director William Wyler’s rousing story of a middle-classic British family trying desperately to cope with World War II.
