
Obituaries - Jan. 11, 1997

Baghdassarian, Tigran, 76, of Burbank, retired maintenance worker for American Building Maintenance. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Bessenbacher, Kenneth M., 77, of Los Angeles, formerly of Van Nuys, retired owner of Kenny’s Auto Glass and Upholstery Shop. The Neptune Society, Burbank.

Camilleri, Carmen M., 52, of Canoga Park, cosmetologist. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.


Flockencier, Winifred M., 100, of Burbank, homemaker. Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Glassman, Frank, 85, of Van Nuys. Glasband-Willen Mortuary, North Hollywood.

Guerrero, Marguerite W., 87, of Van Nuys, homemaker. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Gushl, Helga M., 50, of North Hollywood, homemaker. Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Hyson, Larry, 64, of North Hollywood, retired counselor for Therapeutic Living Centers. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Martinez, Dina, 71, of Glendale, retired assembly worker for Phillips Components. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

McDonald, Eileen E., 94, of Sylmar, bookkeeper for Texaco. J.T. Oswald Mortuary, San Fernando.


Rowles, Verna Mae, 69, of Palmdale, homemaker. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.

Wieser, Amelia, 85, of Van Nuys, homemaker. Glasband-Willen Mortuary, North Hollywood.

Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
