
Our State Needs More Classrooms

As superintendent of one of the fasting growing school districts in California, I want to thank and commend The Times for its Jan. 2 editorial, “Keep the Ball Rolling.”

California growth districts are in desperate need of additional classroom space. This year alone, Capistrano Unified School District saw a 7% increase in student population. Some of the growth represents students returning to public school from private school now that California has placed a greater investment in its state public education program through such initiatives as primary class size reduction.

More than 400 children transferred this year from private to public schools in our district. We [also] experienced a growth of 2,000 more students, much of it due to increased residential development in our area because of an improving economy.


The welcome but challenging primary class size reduction initiative means in Capistrano Unified we had to find 100 additional classrooms. With the average elementary school having approximately 22 classrooms, this primary class size reduction initiative alone generated the need for five more schools throughout our district.

Obviously, without the funding for construction of so many schools, our staff, as in many districts throughout Orange County, was extremely creative in the use of every square foot of space which we could in any way convert to a pupil learning station.

The need for additional schools in California is very real and it is great. Any reminder which can be given to the lawmakers of California to help provide for this need is greatly appreciated and will well serve the young people of California who depend on us so much.




Capistrano Unified School District
