
Fast facts/ Potholes

* Potholes repaired annually in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County: 30,000. In Los Angeles: 200,000.

* Calls received annually by Los Angeles Bureau of Street Maintenance requesting pothole repair: 30,000 to 40,000.

* Expenditure by L.A. for “minor asphalt repairs” last fiscal year: $1.48 million.

* Average time it takes a two-person crew to repair a pothole: 15 minutes.

* Estimated claims per year filed against City of Los Angeles for pothole-related accidents: 1,000.


* Depth a pothole must be before Caltrans deems it worthy of repair: 4 inches.

* Most pothole-troublesome Caltrans-maintained roadways: Pacific Coast Highway, Western Avenue, Hawthorne Boulevard, Santa Monica Boulevard. Among roadways maintained by L.A.: Alameda Street between Olympic Boulevard and 25th Street; Broadway from 1st to 9th streets; Alvarado Street between 3rd and 8th Streets; Normandie Avenue between Olympic and Pico boulevards.

* Cost to the city of South Gate for 18-month renovations of five-mile stretch of pothole-ridden Firestone Boulevard: $3 million.

* Amount former L.A. County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn had to pay in 1988 after promising a dollar to anyone who found a pothole in the unincorporated areas of his district: $3.


* Pothole-related courses conducted last year in Southern California by the Asphalt Institute: “Protecting Your Pavement Investment”; “Principles of Construction of Quality Hot-Mix Pavements”; “Superpave: The Future of Asphalt Mix Design.”
