
Mayor Says the State of the City Is Just Fine

The city is in good shape, Mayor Tom Carroll said this week, and he will express that optimistic view in his state-of-the-city address next week.

“Things are quite upbeat,” Carroll said.

The mayor’s annual speech on the condition of the city will open Monday’s City Council meeting at 7 p.m. Carroll said his talk will have no gloom and doom because Cypress has successfully sailed through the financial hazards that plagued the county and state in recent years.

He said that the passage last fall of Proposition 218 does not pose a serious problem for Cypress. That initiative puts more restrictions on many cities’ ability to levy fees and assessments. “We are a charter city, and it doesn’t affect us that much,” Carroll said.


After the mayor’s speech, the council will consider a proposal for a carwash at Cerritos Avenue and Valley View Street. City Clerk Lillian Haina said many residents have written letters opposing the project, and the Community Development Department is recommending that it be rejected.
