
D.A. Says Computer Snags Child Support

Continuing problems with a new statewide computer system have stalled child-support payments to 300 Ventura County parents and may force the district attorney’s office to abandon the system.

“I am deeply concerned about this computer system’s negative impact upon or ability to provide services to families that depend upon child support,” Dist. Atty. Michael D. Bradbury wrote in a letter this week to the county Board of Supervisors.

Bradbury went on to say if Lockheed Martin IMS, the chief contractor on the new network, fails to make significant improvements in the next 60 to 90 days, the county will consider reverting to its old computer system.


Since converting to the so-called Statewide Automated Child Support System (or SACCS) last November, the district attorney’s office has run up against a number of operational problems resulting in payment delays. The county auditor has even been asked to help cut checks stalled by computer snafus.

Even with the technical glitches, officials stressed they have been able to distribute the vast majority of child support checks. The district attorney’s office handles about 36,000 child-support cases with monthly payments totaling between $2.5 million and $3.5 million.

But as of Jan. 13, approximately 300 parents have had their child support payments placed on hold because of problems with the SACCS system. In his letter to the board, Bradbury said even when his office is able to release payments, new receipts on other cases end up being placed on hold.


“We have advised the state that we cannot continue to operate indefinitely with the current defects in the statewide system,” Bradbury wrote. “We are, therefore, preparing contingency plans to return to our previous system if these defects cannot be corrected.”

Bradbury said that representatives from his office had met with Lockheed executives last month and were assured that everything possible would be done to fix the problem.
