
Why No Good News About USC Basketball?

Your article on the Bibby family [“Bad Blood,” Jan. 16] was horrendous. I read the sports section to read about sports. This article was what I’d expect to see in a supermarket tabloid. Henry Bibby had the good grace not to comment. Virginia Bibby should have had the good grace to stay away from the Sports Arena.

College basketball should be about the young athletes who play, about the game, and even about the coaches’ coaching. Bitter ex-wives don’t belong in the sports section. Here is one devoted Bruin who is almost glad that USC beat Arizona and sad that you sank so low to run the article.


Culver City


What happened in the Sunday sports section? UCLA beats Arizona by six points and makes the front page. Did you forget USC had defeated Arizona by 13 points? Is that why we must look at Page 8 to find that USC defeated Arizona State?


Why is it that so much is put into print about UCLA and so little about USC? Fair is fair. Give equal print where it is due.


Van Nuys


That was a great win for on-the-rise USC basketball over Arizona last week. Too bad I, and apparently everyone else north and east of Los Angeles, couldn’t hear it on the radio. If USC wants support and attendance to build, it can’t continue to use three radio stations no one ever heard of, with no juice at all.


