
Commercial Appeal

The commercials on Super Sunday are usually more entertaining than the game, and for $1.2 million per 30-second spot, they ought to be. In fact, one second in 1997 costs as much as an entire 30-second ad did during Super Bowl I. Pepsi was the choice of this generation.

Pepsi in the nursery.

The baby, the supermodels, the soft drink. No wonder Norman Pheeny is a Pepsi drinker for life.

Budweiser power plant. The power grid goes out and a worker has to inspire a hamster with a beer to get the wheel moving. Where are those frogs when we need them?


Nissan, Dogs Love Trucks. The latest edition from the “Enjoy the ride” theme. Not as good as Barbie dumping Ken, but we love dogs.

Pepsi and the force. Darth Vader cuts down some unsuspecting movie-goers. Light sabers very high on the caffeine scale.

Nissan’s dive-bombing pigeons. Sure it ranks low on the taste scale, but it was pretty darn cool. Glad to see Cliff getting some work after “Cheers.”


Li’l Penny’s Super Bowl party. I was really looking forward to this one, but it was too busy. “All cameos, no substance,” said one colleague. Agreed.

Budweiser chicken crossing the road. Sometimes, simple is better. Ranks up there with last year’s field goal-kicking horses.

Visa and Bob Dole.

You’re right, Senator, you just can’t win.


If this is Coke’s new sensation, I’m sticking with my Diet Mountain Dew.

Fila with Jerry Stackhouse. Apparently, all the kids will want to wear shoes of guy shooting 39% on a team with a 9-33 record.


--Compiled by STEVE HORN
