
Busy Shelters Need Volunteers, Donations

The recent rainy, cold weather has increased use of emergency shelters, and volunteer workers and donations are urgently needed in Orange County, Salvation Army officials said.

“It’s been very wet this winter, and people want to get off the street,” said Dolores Barrett, director of social services for the Salvation Army. “There are a lot of families with kids that need this help, and in the Fullerton shelter, about 30% of the people using it are single women.”

The charitable organization administers the county’s Emergency Cold Weather Shelter Program in the National Guard armories in Santa Ana and Fullerton. The program provides shelter for up to 125 people a night in each armory.


The Santa Ana facility is at 612 E. Warner Ave., and the Fullerton armory is at 400 S. Brookhurst St.

“We’ve been running close to maximum all winter,” Barrett said. “We badly need volunteers and assistance.”

Volunteers help check people in and pass out blankets. They work from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Barrett said people 17 or older can serve, and both male and female volunteers are needed.


Medical professionals also volunteer time for exams and health-care counseling.

Products needed for the homeless are new toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, feminine-hygiene items, over-the-counter cold medicines and warm socks, Barrett said.

Checks for cash donations should be made out to the Salvation Army and designated for the Cold Weather Shelter Program. Checks should be mailed to the Salvation Army, 10200 Pioneer Road, Tustin, CA 92782.

Information: (714) 832-7100, Ext. 232.
