
Albright Curtsies, Takes Over

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Stepping away from the lectern so everyone in the State Department auditorium could see her clearly, Madeleine Albright curtsied and declared with a smile: “You may notice, I do not look like Secretary Christopher.”

Nor like any of her other 62 predecessors. Like Warren Christopher, they all were men.

In fact, she said with a smile, the toughest question she has faced since being appointed by President Clinton is how it felt to be both a woman and secretary of State.

“I have now thought of the answer,” Albright said.

“The answer is, ‘I’ve never been secretary of state. I have been a woman for nearly 60 years. So I am now going to see how you put the two together.’ ”


The standing-room audience of about 1,000 department workers laughed and applauded, obviously taken with a new boss who told them in a traditional get-acquainted forum: “Please talk to me if you see me in the hall.”
