
Leisure Village Board President Resigns

In what appears to be a compromise to a recall election, Dick Griswold stepped down as president of the Leisure Village board of directors. He will continue to serve as a member-at-large.

The announcement of the board’s reorganization came to villagers through the retirement community’s closed-circuit TV channel.

Griswold could not be reached for comment. The new board president, board member Hunter Cohen, had no comment about the board’s reorganization or the recall action.


“The internal affairs of Leisure Village should remain within Leisure Village,” Cohen said. “The intent of the board is to proceed with the orderly and efficient transaction of Leisure Village business.”

In an unprecedented act, more than 450 people from the gated community signed petitions to recall Griswold and an election is scheduled Feb. 6.

The recall proponents alleged that Griswold violated the village’s bylaws by operating a business in his residence and that he had acted unilaterally as board president. Griswold previously denied the complaints.


“It’s a smart move on his part to stop some of the divisiveness in the village,” Leisure Village resident Dave O’Connor said. “He’s taken a step down, so let’s take the next step, which is to get him off the board completely.”

The three remaining board members could not be reached for comment. “This is a solution the board came to in response to the recall,” said Clary Morgan, who was active in the recall effort but is now gathering signatures to stop the recall. Morgan said board members are urging residents to stop the recall, to save the expense of an election.
