
Anglican Bishop to Make Pastoral Visit

Robert J. Godfrey, presiding bishop of the Anglican Orthodox Church, will make his first pastoral visit to Ventura County on Sunday when he comes to St. George’s Anglican Church in Ventura.

Godfrey, who also serves as Metropolitan of the worldwide Anglican Orthodox Communion, will celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. in the church chapel, 6300 Telephone Road, church officials said.

The church, many of whose members are former Protestant Episcopalians, has branches in India, Pakistan, Madagascar, the Philippines, the Fiji Islands, Kenya, Liberia, Colombia and Japan as well as throughout the United States, according to a statement prepared by church leaders.


The Anglican Orthodox Church continues in the tradition of the “low” Episcopalian Church and uses the King James version of the Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
