
Court Reporter Loses License After Crime

A Canoga Park court reporter has had her license revoked as a result of her conviction last year for creating a false alibi for a robbery suspect.

Melissa H. Wirtanen, who has been licensed since January 1995, must also reimburse the Court Reporters Board of California $2,156 for costs of the investigation and enforcement.

Nancy Hardaker, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Consumer Affairs, said the incident did not occur in the course of Wirtanen’s work. The man for whom Wirtanen created the alibi was later convicted of robbery. Her sentence for creating a false hotel room receipt included 400 hours of community service.


Hardaker said that once the board becomes aware of a possible violation it investigates and gathers evidence, which is presented at a hearing before an administrative law judge.

“She committed a crime substantially related to the qualifications, functions and duties of a certified shorthand reporter,” Hardaker explained. “Dishonesty and fraud in court warrant discipline by the board.”

The Court Reporters Board of California certifies court reporters through examination and licensing. Hardaker said there are about 7,800 licensed court reporters in the state.
