
Igene Alleges ADM Stole Trade Secrets

(Associated Press)

A biotechnology company is suing Archer-Daniels-Midland Corp. for more than $300 million, alleging the agribusiness giant stole trade secrets. In the suit, Igene Biotechnology Inc. says Decatur, Ill.-based ADM stole an enzyme product that gives farm-raised trout and salmon a pinkish hue. ADM, which filed its own patent infringement suit against Columbia, Md.-based Igene in July, said Igene was merely counter-suing. Igene says it has been developing a pigment derived from yeast cells and recently created an enzyme that can break into cell walls of fish and give the flesh a more appealing color. The company said it has already signed preliminary agreements with other partners, including ADM, to mass-produce the enzyme. It accused ADM of marketing the product to clients and investors listed in documents stolen from Igene. Igene executives said the secrets were passed through a former employee, who also was named as a defendant in the suit.
