
Mall Plans Array of Children’s Events

The Oaks mall will be transformed this weekend into a forum dedicated to improving the lives of young children.

Police officers will fingerprint youngsters; firefighters will stage puppet shows; karate and art schools will offer information about their programs, and book companies will sell all sorts of good reads.

All the events are free.

This is the mall’s 13th annual Kids’ World event, put on by Diane Boyd, who is involved in public relations for the mall. She wanted to let parents know the gamut of activities that are out there for children.


In previous years, groups such as the Girl Scouts and Indian Guides have reported an increase in participation after the event.

Children also will be able to decorate cookies, roll pretzel dough, throw clay and get their faces painted.

Plus, entertainers will perform throughout the mall all weekend. Entertainment will include the Scott Land Marionettes on Saturday and The Happy Crowd’s three-piece band on Sunday.


In addition, the center court at the shopping center will have a book drive this weekend. Event planners hope to collect a total of 3,000 new and used books in good condition--part of a goal of 10,000--to donate to 21 area libraries.

The mall is off the Lynn Road exit of the Ventura Freeway in Thousand Oaks. For more information, call 495-2031.
