
For Reeves’ Fans, It’s Not Just Hormones

While I liked and agreed with much of Robert Hilburn’s article on Dogstar (“There’s More to Dogstar Than Its Marquee Value,” Aug. 6), I find his encapsulation of the 24 females interviewed at the House of Blues show last Monday to be a flippant generalization.

As one of the women interviewed, I feel lumped into Hilburn’s preconceived notion that a “yes” answer to his rigid question “Are you here to see Reeves?” naturally meant “Yes, I am here for purely hormonal reasons.” I’m not disputing Hilburn’s accurate report on the primarily swooning female audience; my eardrums still ache from the squealing that occurred when Keanu did as much as shrug. Or blink. But, some of us females were there to listen.

I am a huge fan of Keanu Reeves. Period. And a music fan. I went to hear Dogstar based on a curiosity about its music. If what drew me to Dogstar was a man I admire for his work in a different medium, so be it. If that man happens to be gorgeous, then so be that too.



Los Angeles
