
Columnist Fails to Credit Teachers

* In his July 20 column, “State Teachers Fail the Test of Real Reform,” Kenneth L. Khachigian misrepresented and manipulated the facts to discredit teachers in California and the California Teachers Assn.

The overwhelming majority of the CTA delegation at the National Education Assn. Representative Assembly did support the part of the NEA resolution calling for peer assistance and peer review.

In fact, peer assistance is already part of CTA policy. The delegation also expressed strong support for NEA President Bob Chase’s call for a “new unionism.”


All during the bad economic years in California, teachers received little or no pay increases. Some lost their jobs altogether.

Now that the economy is improving and schools are receiving additional funding, teachers should pursue their right to participate in the benefits of this booming economy.

CTA members can designate whether they want their dues dollars used for political purposes. Contrary to Khachigian’s beliefs, CTA is a member-driven organization. We always have and will respect the wishes and rights of our members.




California Teachers Assn.
