
Snobbery Taints Arts Commission

* I guess our arts commission thinks we are all entitled to our opinion unless it differs from theirs.

I consistently see overly aggressive, nasty comments from Jane Brook, Bonnie Roth, both arts commissioners, and Maria Dessornes of the Conejo Valley Arts Museum.

Their snobbery is contrary to the openness and warmth that music and art should provide.

All opinions and views are important, ladies, and if they are politely expressed you should treat them with respect. You may have the right to attack those who don’t agree with you, but the way you handle yourself shows a close-minded predisposition toward people you do not like; our community deserves better from you.


Please take a good hard look at your motives and behaviors. We all care about our beautiful city and the culture within it and most of us do it in a straightforward, pleasant way. If you cannot, perhaps you should not be in a public position.


Newbury Park
