
Drivers’ Strike Against UPS

Perhaps the best result of the UPS strike will be a dose of reality for the striking drivers. Maybe when picketing becomes boring, or the money runs out, they will have to find temporary employment in their field. The real world of package delivery consists of getting paid for the amount of work done instead of the number of hours worked (overtime, what is that?); $20 an hour, pension, parking anywhere without fear of paying for violations, working normal business hours Monday through Friday, and most importantly, a union to protect their jobs--try finding those amenities outside UPS.

If and when strike replacement workers are hired, there will be no shortage of applicants with the same skill sets. I imagine there are hundreds of thousands of individuals with good driving records and the ability to read a map (or memorize a route) willing to accept even the lowest wages in the UPS scale to work as drivers. UPS drivers, think about that while you are “digging in.”



Who would think that “the tightest ship in the shipping business” could bring the richest country to its knees in seven days and unsympathetically put so many small business people out of business. I hope their “ship” sinks! An out-of-business small business.



Los Angeles
