

Gratifying to see that Shaquille O’Neal and his manager, Leonard Armato, have an “ambitious, carefully orchestrated campaign . . . to make the basketball star into a major creative force” in music, movies, TV, advertising, etc. (“Stepping Up to the Line,” by Greg Braxton, Aug. 10).

Any plans to achieve the same result on the basketball court?


Yorba Linda


Our money bought us a Shaq who can’t become a great defender (too busy doing movies); can’t shoot free throws (doing rap tour); can’t do offense more than three feet away from the basket (doing mogul stuff); and can’t become an inspiring team leader (gotta shop for jewelry). Can afford to buy R-E-S-P-E-C-T (pay Aretha to sing it over breakfast at the pad). Could afford “We Are the Champions,” but Freddie Mercury has left us. Seems even Dennis Rodman has a better grasp of NBA championship reality these days.

I know it’s a sign of the times, but it still brings me down. Shaquille O’Neal, Virtual Basketball Star. “In your face, Michael Jordan”? Hardly. I’ve seen the money. Show me the rings.


P.S. Trade rumor: “Meek” for “Van”?! Go Sparks.


South Pasadena
