
Cigarette Signs at County Fair

Re “County Fair Finds Itself the Butt of Controversy Over Tobacco Firm,” Aug. 20: The Philip Morris spokeswoman says, “It’s silly to think that anyone is going to start smoking because they attend a concert or see a sign.” If Philip Morris truly believes that, then why not just give the L.A. County Fair the money and forgo the Marlboro signs and booths?

What Philip Morris is doing at the county fair concerts is advertising, pure and simple--and advertising is, by nature, designed to get people to use the product. Does anyone still believe that tobacco companies only try to influence people to switch brands, and not to start smoking? Come on!

I am appalled that any public event such as the county fair would take one nickel from tobacco companies, especially events that are family-oriented. If we let tobacco companies advertise at all, let them do it in bars, where there are only adults present.



Los Angeles
