

Narrowcasting may well be the watchword for next year’s festivals. It’s no coincidence that the three most successful tours--Lilith, Ozzfest and Warped--each featured a lineup that made a clear, direct statement. Not coincidentally, those are also the least likely to have any significant changes next year.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” says Marty Diamond, the New York agent who helped put Lilith together.

The one question looming there, though, is how much of the tour’s success can be credited to the novelty factor of its all-female roster, which attracted an audience of more than three times as many women as men (the opposite of the standard concert demographics). Still, Diamond says, there’s enough life left in the concept to justify giving it another year without too much tinkering.


One rumored change--the addition of a few male performers to the lineup--will almost certainly not be happening.

“Sarah [McLachlan] had talked about that,” says Diamond, “but she’s since decided against it.”
