
More Views on ‘Nothing Sacred’

Re: the letters responding to William A. Donohue’s Counterpunch on “Nothing Sacred” (“No Limits to ‘Nothing Sacred’ Dialogue,” Calendar, Aug. 18):

The flaw in the reasoning of the letter writers is that they think it’s OK for the beliefs and practices of a religion to be debated through the inaccurate and disrespectful portrayal of the beliefs and practices of its leaders. The offense taken by Donohue and the Catholic League at “Nothing Sacred” is certainly justified, as it is common sense and common courtesy not to misrepresent and mock religious leaders in our pluralistic and tolerant society.

People who want to question this offense may be able to understand it if they imagine similarly false depictions of the beliefs and practices of Jewish rabbis and African American ministers, and the public outcry that they would merit in the name of tolerance. The only possible reason to exempt Catholicism from American tolerance must be a deep-seated and unquestioned American prejudice and bias against Catholicism, which merits serious investigation and consideration.



Marina del Rey


I was almost moved to tears by Michael Lazarou’s letter in response to William Donohue’s Counterpunch article decrying ABC’s “Nothing Sacred.”

Lazarou’s letter voiced the views of millions of us lapsed Catholics who feel shut out of the church because the Donohues of the world have brainwashed us into believing the church is an intolerant, inhospitable and perhaps even inhumane place.

I’m glad that Lazarou felt like giving mass a shot after watching the show. That fact alone demonstrates how on track he is and others like him are and how out of step and, yes, even out of line Donohue is. I too, now feel that perhaps it’s time to give the church a fresh look.



Sherman Oaks
