
Pork-Laden Bills

Unbelievable is all I can say after reading “Pork-Laden Bills on Way Despite Line-Item Veto” (Aug. 18)! There has been so much press about how wonderful the tax cut is for the poor and middle class, yet there are so many items in the bill that only benefit 100 people or less.

How can either party have the nerve to forward a tax bill for passage with so many special interest tax credits intermingled? No wonder we have a $5-trillion debt! What is wrong with Clinton? He only narrowed down the list from 79 to 77. Obviously the line-item veto is not acting as a “deterrent against the most egregious kinds of projects that would otherwise not be funded.”

Let’s stop our representatives from porking out for specific constituent interests at our expense, and pass a real tax bill.



Laguna Niguel
