
Music to Accompany Laurel & Hardy Silent

A 1929 silent film, with live musical accompaniment, will be presented Sept. 28 at Plummer Auditorium.

Organist Stan Kann and pianist Ralph Wolf will play solos and duets as “Angora Love,” the last silent film made by Laurel and Hardy, is shown.

A musician, comedian and collector of antique vacuum cleaners, Kann appeared many times on “The Tonight Show” and Merv Griffin’s and Mike Douglas’ shows.


Kann, of Hancock Park, played the pipe organ at the St. Louis Fox Theater for 22 years and now plays concerts and accompanies silent movies at theaters across the country.

Wolf, of Sherman Oaks, formed the musical trio the Bachelors, which performed throughout the United States and Canada, made musical shorts for Universal and recorded for the MGM label.

He also was the rehearsal pianist for Disney’s original Mickey Mouse Club and recorded several albums of piano and organ music.


Tickets for the event, sponsored by the Fullerton Joint Union High School District Educational Foundation and the Orange County Theatre Organ Society, are $10 per person.

The auditorium is at Lemon Street and Chapman Avenue.

Information: (714) 671-4300.
