
Mayor Grabs Headlines by Appointing Bratton

Re “Mayor Shows Bolder, Politically Savvy Side,” by Beth Shuster and Henry Weinstein, news analysis, Oct. 3: Why should Angelenos be surprised at Mayor James Hahn’s choice of William Bratton as police chief simply because the new chief has a strong personality and might generate more press than the mayor? A look at Hahn’s record shows a man who has always been more interested in serving the people of L.A. than chasing headlines. We should be grateful for a mayor who is willing to make the choice he feels is best for the people, regardless of the risk. How many cities can lay claim to a mayor whose primary motivation is service rather than ego?

Bud Hayes

Los Angeles


Politically savvy? Shuster and Weinstein must be a comedy team. For decades prior to Chief Willie Williams, white police chiefs were standard fare for L.A., mostly appointed by white mayors. What is so bold about that? Hahn isn’t low-key; very simply, he is the typical wimp who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s only the mayor because he took advantage of what his father gave him, i.e., the black vote. He messed that up too. I’m sure Bratton’s a good cop, but so were the other candidates.

The minority communities that make up the majority in L.A. feel disenfranchised by the LAPD. The only way this was politically savvy is if those voters remain apathetic at the next election.


Frank Gutierrez

Redondo Beach
