
‘Tardy Rooms’ Make Students Punctual

“Critics See Wasted Time in Punishment of Tardy Students” (Oct. 5) was incredibly one-sided. You really should have interviewed a higher percentage of the folks who see “tardy rooms” as a valuable tool in deterring student tardiness. Our high school (San Pedro High School) recently instituted a period-one tardy period. It works!

I have taught with the Los Angeles Unified School District for 15 years. Tardiness has always been a correctable problem, but many schools refuse to be visionary enough to take the plunge. We recently passed the five-week mark of the fall semester and only one student has been tardy once to my first-period class. Once! Trust me, that is a small but glorious miracle! Those tardy rooms are a giant reminder to students to get to class on time.

Finally, there are no disruptions from tardy, bitter students. Education flows freely. Let the critics criticize. Our tardy policy is working!


Denise Marovich-Sampson

San Pedro
