
Campaign Imperfect: Allegation About Photo

So, it has come to this: a choice for governor between the bumbling nincompoop and the rapacious extortionist. I leave it to The Times’ readership to decide who fits those descriptions. I have decided to return to my roots, and “waste my vote” on a minority party candidate who cannot win. That puts my selected candidate in the same shoes as the electorate in this race.

Frank Robinson



Re “Simon Retreats on Allegations of Illegal Fund-Raising by Davis,” Oct. 9: Never, never in nearly 25 years have I witnessed such a ridiculous, deplorable example of bad judgment as Bill Simon’s accusation that Gov. Gray Davis participated in illegal fund-raising. Not only could he not back up his claim, Simon had the nerve to say it’s not his job to verify such an accusation.

Mr. Simon, you are an embarrassment to the political process in general and the Republican Party in particular. You should fire the campaign aides who came up with the idea to publicly discredit Davis and, while you are at it, fire yourself as well.


With his challenger out of the race and without having to spend millions on TV commercials, Davis should then pledge to return half his campaign war chest to the state’s general fund. He could donate about $10 million to programs to feed needy children, help disabled seniors or put more teacher aides in classrooms, for example.

It’s one thing to say anything to win elective office. It’s another thing altogether to be a leader. By his recent actions, Simon has decided what means most to him.

A.L. Cynton

Laguna Beach


My nomination for understatement of the year: “My campaign is not perfect”--Bill Simon Jr. (Oct. 11).


Ronald Rugin



Why on Earth is Davis saying Simon should resign from the governor’s race (Oct. 10)? If the Republicans come up with another candidate (especially Dick Riordan), Davis could well lose.

Don Bender



In recklessly accusing Davis of a crime, Simon has disqualified himself from the office he seeks. For a former prosecutor to throw around criminal accusations with no evidence whatsoever is despicable. The people of California deserve much better. Simon should remove himself from the race, and the Republican Party should bring forward someone who will take integrity to Sacramento.

Mark Madison

Laguna Beach


Re where Davis receives political contributions: What difference does it make where a prostitute conducts business; the intent is the same anywhere.


Ed Pollack

Apple Valley


As a longtime political consultant, I have never observed as inept and bizarre a campaign for major office as that of Simon for governor. The incident of the disowned photograph belongs on the comic pages.

Jack Casey

Rancho Mirage


I want to see Davis answer a few questions. Why are people in California still losing jobs when other areas of the country are in recovery? How did we go from a surplus to a multibillion-dollar deficit? Why did Davis increase taxes? Why did my lights go out last year? If he doesn’t stand up in lights on statewide television and answer those questions, it’s lights out for Davis.

Raymond Wiener

