
Checking N. Korea’s Nuclear Program

Kenneth Ebmeier’s Oct. 22 letter stated that President Clinton gave North Korea a nuclear power plant for a promise -- with no verification, no nothing. Ignorance with a set of blinders truly must be a trait among the anti-Clinton neo-cons.

Let’s set the record straight. The two proliferation-resistant nuclear reactors offered in ’94 have never been built, and the agreed framework had the needed verifications built in. As Secretary of State Colin Powell implied during his confirmation hearing and recently reiterated by State Department spokesman Richard Boucher: “We will abide by and agree to the commitments made under the agreed framework, provided that North Korea does the same.”

But, as President Clinton warned North Korea in 1993, using nuclear weapons will be the end of their country as they know it. I’m sure the currently appointed commander in chief would have no problem in the execution of that threat.


Peter Hughes

Los Alamitos
