
Why are folks getting in Suzanne Somers’ face?

Face it -- celebrities take a lot of heat, particularly when it comes to their faces. And now it appears to be Suzanne Somers’ turn.

It started with a sensational “plastic surgery run amok” story in the National Enquirer. That led to this column by Toronto Sun writer Mike Strobel who declares “my only scare during Snowmageddon/Snowbigdeal was in the supermarket checkout line” when he saw the “Three’s Company” star’s face on the cover of the tabloid.

The Enquirer story alleges that Somers, 64, might have had a stem cell face-lift. So far, Somers hasn’t responded on her website or her blog (where she looks just fine).


Stem cell face-lifts, outside of the context of Somers, are becoming increasingly popular. This Healthy Skeptic column takes a close look at how these face-lifts are done, how much they cost and whether science backs up the claims of giving patients younger skin.

As for Somers, decide for yourself how she looks. Here’s her recent TV talk show appearance that started all this chatter and photos of her modeling for the Heart Truth’s Red Dress Collection fashion show.
