
Dose information for over-the-counter pain medicine

Here are maximum recommended doses for acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers sold over the counter. If you take the maximum dose and you’re still in pain, talk to your doctor: In some cases, a physician can prescribe higher doses. But don’t make that decision on your own. Also, look closely at the ingredients of all the medications you’re taking: Many include painkillers, making it easy to overdose.


Maximum OTC daily dose: 1,200 milligrams

Naproxen sodium

Maximum OTC daily dose: 660 mg


Maximum OTC daily dose:

On the extra-strength 500 mg label: 4,000 mg (4 grams)

On the regular-strength 325-mg label: 3,900 mg (12 pills)


Maximum OTC daily dose:

On the extra-strength 500 mg label: 4,000 mg (4 grams)

On the regular-strength 325 mg label: 3,900 mg (12 pills)

—Emily Sohn
