
Biomarker could signal a meniscus tear

Biomarkers are substances in the body that provide clues to a disease or injury. Researchers announced Wednesday that they have identified a biomarker that can help doctors diagnose a common knee injury -- a meniscal tear.

The finding is intriguing because, if verified, it could be used to confirm the need for surgery while reducing exploratory or unnecessary surgeries.

The menisci are pieces of cartilage in the knee joint. A meniscus tear can be treated with rest, but some patients have surgery to repair the cartilage. But sometimes it’s difficult for doctors to tell whether a meniscal tear has occurred or if the pain is due to arthritis or another type of injury that would not benefit from surgery.


Standard researchers found a specific protein complex in the knee fluid of 30 patients with a meniscal tear. A comparison of 10 patients who did not have a meniscal tear showed no presence of the protein. Further research should help determine if taking a sample of knee fluid can confirm the meniscal tear and distinguish it from other types of injuries.

The study is published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

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