
Fast-food capitals of the U.S. -- who’s No. 1?

Go ahead, have a side of fries with your trip to Disney World. Everyone else apparently does, making Orlando tops in the nation for the number of fast-food restaurants at least in one ranking.

An article in the Orlando Sentinel explains how the amusement park mecca comes by the distinction. The Daily Beast was curious enough to determine that out of nearly 500 large U.S. cities, Orlando had the most McDonald’s, Burger Kings, KFCs and other fast-food restaurants per 100,000 residents.

The Sentinel story said, with perhaps a trace of bemusement: “Orlando has 463 of them, or 196.3 for every 100,000 people, with Subway being the most ubiquitous, according to the site, which used information from data collector AggData to determine the total number of fast-food restaurants per city.”


Interesting too to note that 22% of people in Orlando are younger than 18, according to 2000 figures from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Who else made the list? Louisville, Ky., ranked No. 2, followed by Richmond, Va.; Miami; Las Vegas; Tampa, Fla.; Baton Rouge, La.; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Spokane, Wash.

Now you can plan your vacation -- carefully. Or healthfully.
