
Archbishop will lead Christmas midnight Mass at downtown cathedral

Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez will lead a bilingual Christmas midnight Mass.
(Patrick T. Fallon/ For the Los Angeles Times)

Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez will lead a bilingual Christmas midnight Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown L.A.

The service will begin at 11:30 p.m. Monday with Christmas carols in English at the cathedral, at 555 W. Temple St., church officials said. The archbishop will be joined by the cathedral’s pastor, Father David Gallardo.

On Christmas Day, the archbishop will celebrate the 12:30 p.m. Mass in Spanish, with a Spanish-language choir leading in song. Both Masses will be livestreamed via and

Other services at the cathedral this week include a Christmas family Mass at 4 p.m. Monday. (View the full schedule here:

The archbishop is also expected to celebrate Mass on Christmas Eve morning at the women’s jail in Lynwood and on Christmas Day at the Men’s Central Jail, church officials said.

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