
Blue-haired woman arrested for scrawling anti-Trump graffiti on government buildings, police say

Police said Tuesday they had captured the blue-haired woman who scrawled anti-Donald Trump graffiti on four Los Angeles County buildings.

Surveillance cameras filmed a woman Sunday as she used a can of blue spray paint to deface multiple walls in downtown L.A. with vulgarities about Trump and other writings about the president-elect, according to Deputy Kelvin Moody, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

The markings were found on the Hall of Justice, Hall of Records, Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center and the county’s Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant.


Officials released surveillance images of the woman, who wore a plaid shirt and had a distinct mop of blue hair.

On Tuesday, Los Angeles Police Department officers on patrol near 1st Street and Soto Avenue stopped a woman for having an open container in public and immediately recognized her as the suspect from the graffiti investigation.

Officers arrested Victoria Jayne Bay, 37, on suspicion of felony vandalism.

Listed as a transient, Bay was being held in lieu of $10,000 bail, and it’s unclear if she was being represented by an attorney.


The graffiti caused about $9,000 in damage. Crews were working to remove it.

Court records show a woman with the same birth date and name as Bay pleaded no contest in 2004 to a prostitution charge. She was sentenced to 180 days in county jail, according to court records.

In recent years, Bay has had numerous encounters with police, including a Jan. 13 arrest for allegedly being drunk in public, according to arrest records.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Sheriff’s Department’s County Services Bureau at (213) 613-3908, or Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477.


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